Dear God .
In the journey towards you , i have met so many of your angels, they came in all forms and shapes and sizes . Today I would like to pay a special tribute to my cousin John who came to my life in my early twenties . While my dad emphasized in attaining knowledge through books from the age of 5 , John showed be a totally new world . He introduced into seeing things with a different eye . It took me sometime to understand what he was trying to get at , but eventually i did get it .
He made me realise that sometimes we look but we dont see . He was the first to introduce meditation to me and introduced me to all his friends , all at very different levels . He made me colour a picture of the apple , purple because he wanted me to understand that life is not what it perceives to be . The apple , universally on an external level can be red , but if I choose it to be purple , so be it .
I used to spent time in the office colouring pictures in colouring books which helped to developed the right brain . I guess my right brain in there for a purpose . I have never been artistically inclined , never have appreciated art , never wrote poetry but this exercise helped me in opening up new horizons .
My work with the autistic children improved tremendously because i was able to see what they saw . Sometimes when parents complain , its not that they didnt love the children , its just that they are not able to see nor comprehend what their kids see. Most parents are not aware that most autistic see through the right brain and not the left. The logical brain is always thinking , the creative brain is always painting pictures .
This achievement solely goes back to my cousin John . He died in his sleep . Something which i could not accept because it was a big loss. He was my cousin , my friend and my mentor .He will remain as my Purple Apple.